Ritter basses


New member
Hey guys, I want to know what you think of ritter basses. Some people may hate it and some will love it. It's an acquired taste. Anywho here's the website: http://www.ritter-basses.com/

Personally, I think some of them are beautiful. I've yet to try one but would love to. Not sure if they have it in singapore though. Any thoughts?
they don't mass produce these instruments. custom orders.

probably only a few people in singapore have one. joshua wan is one of them.

and, they're like, really cheap. i'd rather buy a lakland or roscoe. or build a custom with a chambered body to store beer so that i can stick a straw and drink while i play. and i can even try to license the idea to camelbak. camelbass!
Yea man. Really cheap, cheaper than just about 6-7 mid end basses together and a cool Ampeg head and cab.
only about $800 before standard 20% discount.

or am i missing a few zeros? old already, can't remember how many there were.
Definitely sounds cheap. I was expecting a few thousands. Now I can put it in one of my to-buy list
Whoa... looks damn tempting... utterly pure seduction man... whoa... and for 800 bucks I will happily buy it and put on the wall even though I don't know how to play bass...

BTW is there a guitar version of comparable beauty and standard?
oei! don't spoil the fun!

it's always nice to write in an inquiry to the luthier and receive a nice surprise in return.