Rhythm Guitarist Forming A Band ..


New member
Hi Daniel Here ,
Rhythm Guitarist forming a band . Genre is alternative rock and heavy metal . Inviting Lead guitarist , Bassit , Drummer and Male Vocalist to join the band . Vision is that we can do originals rite away . Playing cover is not my type . I need ppl who can create their originals parts . And aim is to mix everything together . Male Vocalist is to incharge to write songs and the musicians to create music of their own . If u all think this kind of genre or method suits you . Pls sms or call me at 91938356 . Age group is 20s to early 30s . Aiming in the coming 1 year we will have our first ep .
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hey bro......
im a guitarist......
i can play lead guitar n do solo......
i have been playing guitar since im 13....
my name is khairie, im 22 tis year.....
anitink u can juz email me at my hotmail.....
im oso planning to make my own music......
i hope to hear fwom u soon.....
see ya....
Bro .. Rite now my com have problem .. if u dun mind can call or sms me at 91938356... Other positions still available .. Drummer , Bassist and Vocalist .. Where Are U ...???