hey guys, ahhhh equipmenttttttttttttttt. okie honestly i think impt things like pedals and snares, save up abit longer so u can get a gd one. when i was starting out as a drummer i didn't have much cash either. however from long hrs of selling my ass to mel i managed to save up some. got a DW 5000, i have smashed it dropped it, chucked it into a bag filled with guitar pedals and basically taken them everywhere, i dun clean them, i haven't serviced them for 7 yrs already, i'd say thts value for money! the iron cobras are just value for money i feel, i heard the pacific pedals are quite awesome for the price as well. their basically DW pedals made in taiwan almost identical in design except maybe for the numbber of ball bearings. the yamaha flying dragons i heard are very decent as well, the thing is that u basically need a double chain drive pedal. the single chains are alittle too shakey for me i feel. there are some pedals like axis and the lugwig speed king that are direct drive which means no chain at all, i heard these are really gd. but save up more and get a decent pedal cause it'll really help ur playing.