Returning Ambience Looking For A Vocalist!


New member
HEY ALL, to whoever was attracted to this post of interest! WOOP WOOP

we're Returning Ambience, an instrumental band formed in August 09. What's our music style like? we're somewhat between progressive? metal? alternative? heavy rock? post rock? As a matter of fact, we, ourselves, don't even know what genre we're actually playing! HAHAHAHA

We're under Noise Singapore, a movement under the NAC, whom have been giving us lotsa gigging opportunities. And also, we're being mentored by Plain Sunset's Jon Chan.
Past Gig:
Make Some Noise: Esplanade outdoor concourse
Make Some Noise: Cineleisure
Noise Exhibition: Raffles City shopping centre
House Of Rock
Loudfest: Ngee Ann City

Band site:

anyway, we are thinking of trying our luck in search of a vocalist, someone who can lift our stage presence and also add spice into our songs both in studio and on live stage! (we definitely want a crowd mover!)

1. you must be able to sing (obviously)
2. you must be a girl (so you'll stand out in the band of 5 guys & also you'll add the extra spice in the band!)
3. we aren't finding a screamer (sorry!)
4. we want someone with lotsa charisma!
5. we want someone who can hit our key or even better, sing in high pitch (our originals are mostly in D standard tuning/ Drop C tuning)
6. you must be able to write your own lyrics and be creative about it!
7. Commitment is a must (at least a 65%)

if you're interested to audition (which means you're singing over our originals), do pm me or email me at
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've been singing for quite a while now. mostly english pop recently. available for backup, choral, pop, jazz etc not much of a death metal fan but rock is fine.

hear me out -->

interested email me -->

name: kenny (imma girl)
age: 22
tone: soprano
range: C#3 ~ G#6 (C4 middle C)
strength: english pop
instrument: piano, keyboard