Returning Ambience Looking For A Bassist!


New member
found! thanks for your time

Returning Ambience Looking For A Bassist!

HEY ALL, to whoever was attracted to this post of interest!
if you're interested feel free to email us at
or drop me a pm

We're Returning Ambience, an instrumental band formed in August 09. What's our music style like? we're somewhat between progressive? metal? alternative? heavy rock? post rock? As a matter of fact, we, ourselves, don't even know what genre we're actually playing! So we are still kind of experimenting with our sound

We're under Noise Singapore, a movement under the NAC, whom have been giving us lotsa gigging opportunities. And also, we're being mentored by Plain Sunset's Jon Chan.
Past Gig:
Make Some Noise: Esplanade outdoor concourse
Make Some Noise: Cineleisure
Noise Exhibition: Raffles City shopping centre
Media Fiesta/Opening of *Scape:*Scape Warehouse
House Of Rock
Loudfest: Ngee Ann City

Band site:
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Hie there. Bassist here available and not choosy over any genre. I'm looking for more opportunities to be in established bands and love performing. Please update me if there's any chances of me joining your band.
