me & the band members were relaxing outside TYA pub when a bunch of 30-40-50 something girls came in. They were were clearly quite high when they came in and one of them kinda had the hots for me .... trying to chat me up & acting all touchy feely ..
In our 3rd set she sudenly came rushing up on stage. Stood right in front of me and started dancing suggestively I wont paiseh from this kinda thing - so I proceeded to undo a few buttons from my waist coat to play along with her.
Suddenly this super high woman, while facing me, toppled slightly backwards and fell of the stage ... I reached out to grab my mike stand - and so she fell on her ass - taking Fiona's mike stand & my guitar effects with her into a heap off stage and passed out. Her friends while helping her to her feet still can laff & dance sumo . She was ok, only her ego was hurt.
Moral of the story - only craze drunk ppl dance suggestively with fgl