
I did it myself before ... cost me around 30 bucks? .. and alot of work ...

if you want a professional one .. it'll be around 200 - 250 .. at guitar workshop .. i remember asking before ..
I did it myself before ... cost me around 30 bucks? .. and alot of work ...

if you want a professional one .. it'll be around 200 - 250 .. at guitar workshop .. i remember asking before ..
hi there exin wonder what kinda finishes you purhased? nitro or poly?? is thats so where can i get in singapore? i have a guitar which needs some finishing touch up care to help?
I think nitro is banned in a number of countries because of the environmental issues. Not sure if we can get poly finishes here. If you can source for one, you might be able to do a very nice satin finish with it.

Alternatively, you may want to do a hand rubbed oil finish.
well i dont know if i got the correct finish or not anyway i got a ronseal product and it wrote there tough polyurethane varnish... i got it from our local DIY shop and i did apply on my guitar to cover up the original cracked finish... afterwhich it subsides and dries i guess its not of the same type or maybe i even got the entire wrong idea of poly finishes..... right after i remove the dried up "tough poly" using a cheap thinner and gloss it down again using a 3M rubbing compound there....

as my crack still visible and i am still finding other alternative to do so if there are any sources out there perhaps not Poly as u guys mentioned that its banned why not nitro then?

i wonder where did our local repair shop get their sources from ?? which i asked in one of the local repair shop for help in getting one of their finishes they are using but none replied to my enquries perhaps their secret trade ??
If you're trying to fix a crack, the best would be to use cyanoacrylate - i.e. superglue. Just pour it into the crack and buff it out after it dries.
It won't make the crack disappear completely, but it'll work somewhat.
yeah cherns thanks for your kind advice..... i have actually ordered cyanoacrylic from stewmac b4 and i have also applied it to the cracks... as it glued fast and its stuborn and hard glue but soon after i realised that the colour is not the same and its abit obvious... i became slightly annoyed and sanded the glue off with most of the original finish away leaving an uneven finished guitar.
i might advice users on cyanoacrylic to apply and touch up only for finer cracks and make sure ut really seeps into the crack line without messing the surface original finish
>.< to remove super glue simply use a rag with nail polish remover and wipe it off. The super glue will come off easily.

Polyurethane is impossible to repair without showing witness lines which are lines between the repaired part and the original clear coat.

Poly will not stick onto poly properly after it has cured because they do not melt into each other to form a uniform coating ie. it's not like water where 2 drops of water come together to form 1 big drop. 2 drops of poly coming together is still 2 drops of poly. Hence if you spray additional poly ontop of your bass poly coat it can be scratched/chipped off. Only way is to sand off everything and start from the wood/primer coat.

Nitro cannot be brought into Singapore because it is classified as an explosive. Nitro particles in the air will explode when ignited.
hahah ..

yeah, titus is right, mine is a colour stain on unfinished wood after i sanded it down ... but i did use a laquer finish over the stained wood to preserve the stain.
man iverson .. i'm really missing the bass .. hahah ..

my next custom will most probably be a warmoth .. candy tangerine body with full bird's eye maple neck .. and Nordy Fat Stacks with Audere preamp!!! .. woo!!!!