Captain Underpants
New member
Hey dudes! I need help! Where is the best place to do respraying for my guitar? From Black to Matt white. Where? Thanks!
I know every step of respraying, i just don't have the equipment!!!!! AArggghhhh!! I know that some lutheirs take out the pickups, they unwire them. If you have bolt on neck, they'll remove. Set neck, neck thru, they mask them up...are air brushes expensive? hmm this is tough
well i know those repair shops or hardware or car workshops they should offer spraying but as for your pick ups /bridge neck what ever, how well they handle it or will they take it out is another problem
from what i know i dont think any guitar shops offer that service but well you can try the forum's music shop link and call up some shops and ask
I know every step of respraying, i just don't have the equipment!!!!! AArggghhhh!! I know that some lutheirs take out the pickups, they unwire them. If you have bolt on neck, they'll remove. Set neck, neck thru, they mask them up...
you guys can try guitar workshop at bras basah level or customwerkz(they have a blog, forgot the whats the page name.