Replacing Tubes on Vox Ac4TV


New member
Hey guys,

I plan to replace the tubes on my Vox AC4TV combo. I dont have prior experience, and reading up online, people say its dangerous to touch certain parts of the amp as replacing the tubes would require one to open up the amp etc.

Just wondering if anyone has changed the tubes on their AC4TV before by themself and have any advice/ safety precautions.

Power off the mains, allow excess voltage to drain out of the caps; 30 mins ought to be sufficient. Make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling the tubes. When it comes to removing and inserting the tubes, use controlled force; you don't want to end up breaking one of the tube's pins or worse, having one break off in the socket. Just be patient, don't rush and you'll be fine.
Thanks a lot cyanide :) hope nothing goes wrong! do you know if special precaution should be taken if its a Vox AC4TV in particular because i read that this amp requires one to open the chassis of the amp. This is what it looks like:


Don't worry so much, just make sure the amp is unplugged from the mains as mentioned before. A tube change can be done within a few mins.
No special precautions required. Just follow the standard safety procedures when handling sensitive electrical components and you will be fine.