repairing of chips on guitars.


New member
is there any place that can repair chips??? for eg, the wood was chipped off the body of the guitar. can it be replaced by smth??? thanks in advance.
Well, if your guitar was just pure wood without any finish and paint it'll be easy. Just use wood filler and sand it flush. But then again I doubt your guitar is just a chunk of wood so unless you wanna strip the finish and paint, repair the chip and then refinish the paint, I'd suggest you just live with it :wink:
damn. i dont wish to live with it. is it ok if i fill the broken part with wood fill? the chip is kinda big... had to colour it in black it to make it unnoticable.

thanks anyway mero.
it'll still be a different color/texture compared to the rest of the body. IMO not much difference considering you'll still have to color in that area if you fill it without finishing. If you have $$$ to fork out you might wanna bring it to one of the local guitar repair shops (e.g. GC or local luthier Malcom/Empty71) and get a quote.