Registration for AMG Jam Fest 2010 is now open.

Registration for AMG Jam Fest 2010 is now open. Bands are invited to visit for further details.

AMG Jam Fest 2010 won't just be a regular gig. Rather, it will be a full 2-day festival of sorts built upon the primary band performances with many other perks such as retail booths, vouchers, prizes and other free goodies for all. These won't be lame stuff either, we're talking music equipment, cosplay gear and the like, all related to the various music scenes in Singapore. Read on for more...

If you are a retailer who wishes to have a booth at AMG Jam Fest 2010, feel free to email

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Earnestly looking for a drummer to play with us for this Jam Fest. Music genres ranges from pop rock, rock classics, japanese rock. Conditions are negotiable. Contact us at if you are interested.
What we have in mind initially is to find a complete line-up and perform and enjoy it. So getting paid is what you are looking for? Sorry, but thats not what we have in mind actually. What we are looking for is to gain experience. In order to perform we have to pay a registration fee of 20 dollars already. But whats good is that it doesnt require us to go for audition. For more info, visit this link,

So will you be interested anymore? Its such a shame if you arent, cause we have been looking for a drummer for so long.
If you are not then it seems like i have to work much harder to find an interested drummer that is willing to play with us for the sake of it then. Pls reply asap, thanks.
Due to some bands' having trouble confirming schedules (mostly thanks to the upcoming July NS intake), registration period has been extended to July 31 to accomodate this.
oh gosh, each member of the band gotta sell 10 tickets @ 10bucks each. if my band got 5 people then need sell 50tickets which adds up to 500bucks profit to the organisers man. what the... or did i read wrongly?
Yes lerkylicious, your sentiment is common among musicians here in Singapore.

You're not the first to be calculative about money. Though I'm quite puzzled as to why you would have this kind of mentality since we're not asking the bands to pay $500 each? When you catch a movie in a cinema, do you also think that the cinema is making a profit of about $1000 for each 2 hour screening?

Anyway back to the question, if you actually took the time to read up the details of the gig you would know that it's going to be a festival of sorts with giveaways vouchers, stalls and lucky draws. Not to mention that venue, equipment, etc aren't free. So I'm wondering, how did you come about to that $500 is even a profit to begin with?
Yes lerkylicious, your sentiment is common among musicians here in Singapore.

You're not the first to be calculative about money. Though I'm quite puzzled as to why you would have this kind of mentality since we're not asking the bands to pay $500 each? When you catch a movie in a cinema, do you also think that the cinema is making a profit of about $1000 for each 2 hour screening?

Anyway back to the question, if you actually took the time to read up the details of the gig you would know that it's going to be a festival of sorts with giveaways vouchers, stalls and lucky draws. Not to mention that venue, equipment, etc aren't free. So I'm wondering, how did you come about to that $500 is even a profit to begin with?

marc the the 10 tickers per band members is it compulsory to sell all and if the bands can't move 10 tickets per members. must the band top up the rest to make good on the 10 tickets per member?

i think folks here think that if they can't sell 10 tix, they need to top up the remainder and yer post stated the band dun need to top up to the remaining unsold tickets which for a band of 5 will be $500.

This isn't Marc actually, but to answer your question. No, they do not have to top-up the unsold tickets.

The reason why we have implemented the selling tickets is to promote our local bands, and to do so, everyone has to do their part. Not to sound pessamistic, but honestly speaking most bands fail to see this. We all know that bands want exposure, get recognised, popularised, etc. However, if they themselves may not want to put in the effort to bring in fans in such a way to promote themselves. By doing so, essentially each and every performing band in the Jam Fest can be seen as effectively chipping in, supporting each other. Cos if we ourselves don't take the initiative, who can we rely on right?