Redplating tubes


New member
Yesterday i bought a pair of JJ El84s off Woodworkz , and after the swap with the stock tubes. one of em new ones redplated , initally i didnt notice til the pro jr sounded muddy and dirty and looking at the tube , i freaked out. Today i swapped their positions and it didnt redplate but i keep hearing scratching sounds and now its just "BZZZZZZZZZ" whenever i switch it on. What should i do?
I think you should change back to the stock ones for now, call Woodworkz up? You should have bought from Well Audio Lab.
Oh yeah I forgot. They don't have warranty for anything... Hmm if you take care of them I guess they only go once a few years. Did you crank your amp up immediately after installation?
Yup sounds like tube damage to me... Swap the tubes and see if the problem persists. If it does, it means the electronics are malfunctioning, but I HIGHLY doubt that's the case...
How much is it for a qualified tech to properly check your amp anyway? Just wondering. Any good rep store other than mentioned above?
I went to Goosonique to check it out and he did an AMAZING job. The grading of the tubes didnt match and the amp was running too hot . He did all the worx and now its no longer hissing and sounds much better than before.