Recommended alternatives for Aguilar Tone Hammer?


New member
I've watched the demo of the pedal mentioned. And I really like what it can do to the bass sound.
Now for those of you who are very experienced with this, may I know if it's really worth the bucks to buy, or is there any good alternatives without breaking my pocket.

if you are looking for a preamp there are many out there but none i know sounds like the aguilar, most preamp have their own characteristic sounds out of it, i think the closest you can get is a hartke bass attack, some others that ppl really dig will be sansamp bddi, tonographic rusty box, darkglass b7k
Just make sure you try before you buy. imo the Hartke VXL and the Aguilar TH sound very different to me. YYMV.

You might try any of the Aguilar OBPs, altho then there's service fee for the installation if you're not comfortable DIYing (you might need to route a battery enclosure too!). The TH is based on the OBP-3, plus the AGS and sweep-mids. (The high freq is different, OBP-3 6.5k vs. TH 4k)