nyxhimaerax said:
How is the
Ibanez GSZ120? The Schecter and LTD/ESPs are way beyond my budget

How much is the Roland Cube15? Can I plug a Multi Effects Pedal to the amp (spider2/cube) to get a wider range of sounds?
Also, how will a SSH sound different from a HH config?
the Ibanez GSZ120 is my personal recommendation for a starter unit, browse through the pages of GEAR NEWS 2005, you'd find a review there...
alternatively, the LTD series-50 are also affordable units, on par with the Ibanez mentioned above. i had one model, the Viper-50 reviewed last year (GEAR NEWS 2004). all the series-50 LTD models are impressive in my books, have not come across a bad model to date.
Viper 50
the CUBE 15 lists for $300 @ Swee Lee, the reason i recommend it to everyone who's in need of a good, no nonsense starter amp is because, it has a different distortion option, from mild to intense, so that you at least have some various tones to work with. the bigger brother, CUBE 30, has some FX patches on board- flanger/ tremolo/ etc for more tonal options, but lists for $500
to answer your question:
1.Yes you can hook up FX pedals to
any amp for that matter...
2.The SSH vs HH debate: the main diff here would be the single coil vs the humbucker tone. humbuckers are less bright, they have a more responsive bass end. the single coils are more treble inclined, brighter. it would be good to have both types of pickups in a guitar for versatility's sake. 8)