Recommendations for First Electric


New member
hi I've started playing the acoustic guitar for a few months and wants to try playing the electric. What should I get, from where and at what price? Budget is around $500-600. What do you guys think of a Pacifica 112J with Line6 Spider2 15w? I'll play pop, rock, metal. Do I need anything else?
if possible , i suggest u go for something better than the yamaha pac...i am also using the line 6 spider. Ok my advice for the amps is that u go for something that u can have control of your tone . The line 6 spider pampers you by giving good tones that are very constrictive and can only explore through 4 sets of channels clean , crunch , metal , insane which are very limited.

You might consider a les paul but i think strats are very very versatile. You might want to save more and get a 2nd hand fender strat.
the 4-channel offering by the Spider is already abundant compared to other starter amps which effectively have only clean & drive to offer.

if you are looking for some variant in tone & would like to keep things simple & affordable, check out Roland's Cube15.

Check out City Music and the various shops at Parklane, other ones that i know of are

1. Schecter Omen 6= Luther
2. Some LTD or ESPs at Davis
3. Epiphone Beginner Pack at SWeelee, thiws is quite a good price because an epiphone LP special 2 is originally 600 and this one u get it for 460 along with an amp, case, tuner and other stuff as well.
How is the Ibanez GSZ120? The Schecter and LTD/ESPs are way beyond my budget :D How much is the Roland Cube15? Can I plug a Multi Effects Pedal to the amp (spider2/cube) to get a wider range of sounds?

Also, how will a SSH sound different from a HH config?
nyxhimaerax said:
How is the Ibanez GSZ120? The Schecter and LTD/ESPs are way beyond my budget :D How much is the Roland Cube15? Can I plug a Multi Effects Pedal to the amp (spider2/cube) to get a wider range of sounds?

Also, how will a SSH sound different from a HH config?

the Ibanez GSZ120 is my personal recommendation for a starter unit, browse through the pages of GEAR NEWS 2005, you'd find a review there...

alternatively, the LTD series-50 are also affordable units, on par with the Ibanez mentioned above. i had one model, the Viper-50 reviewed last year (GEAR NEWS 2004). all the series-50 LTD models are impressive in my books, have not come across a bad model to date.

Viper 50

the CUBE 15 lists for $300 @ Swee Lee, the reason i recommend it to everyone who's in need of a good, no nonsense starter amp is because, it has a different distortion option, from mild to intense, so that you at least have some various tones to work with. the bigger brother, CUBE 30, has some FX patches on board- flanger/ tremolo/ etc for more tonal options, but lists for $500


to answer your question:

1.Yes you can hook up FX pedals to any amp for that matter...

2.The SSH vs HH debate: the main diff here would be the single coil vs the humbucker tone. humbuckers are less bright, they have a more responsive bass end. the single coils are more treble inclined, brighter. it would be good to have both types of pickups in a guitar for versatility's sake. 8)
Where can i find Ibanez GSZ120 and how much is it? Is LTD Viper50 avaliable at Davis and whats the cost?

I visited some shops and what's the big discount they seem to give about? 40% i think.
If you are buying from Davis chances are that they won't give you any discounts. For Swee Lee the discount is actually about 15%. No shop will gif you 40%. viper's about 400 plus if i am not wrong. Sub, just wondering, cause I have never tried the LTDs yet, are the 50s series really worth the price?? I am really in love with the F-series shape yet 525 for a agathis guitar made in indonesia doesnt seem to be quality for money.
Ryuworks said:
If you are buying from Davis chances are that they won't give you any discounts. For Swee Lee the discount is actually about 15%. No shop will gif you 40%. viper's about 400 plus if i am not wrong. Sub, just wondering, cause I have never tried the LTDs yet, are the 50s series really worth the price?? I am really in love with the F-series shape yet 525 for a agathis guitar made in indonesia doesnt seem to be quality for money.


hey bro 8)
we must stop equating a certain wood type/ country of origin with doubtful quality associations & try to judge each guitar's performance per se. i was initially skeptical when i tried the 50-series by LTD, especially when they are the entry level units for the LTD range.

i tried the F-series model quite a bit recently. it has the thickest & most rounded neck profile among all the series-50 but a well-built guitar in its entirety. the agathis body exudes warm midrange which i expected because it's a mahogany lineage & the hot default pickups complete its intimidating overall profile. it's a very good player for those of us who are not repelled by a radical body outline.
nyxhimaerax said:
Where can i find Ibanez GSZ120 and how much is it? Is LTD Viper50 avaliable at Davis and whats the cost?


the GSZ120 is available @ swee lee, the review @ GEAR NEWS 2005 should list the price, otherwise, the GSZ is a $400+/- guitar.

the Viper50 is still available @ Davis, approx $490...
really? thanks sub~ I shall get it after all.... now to save that 525.... Hopefully Davis get in one more red one..

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