Recommendation for a Beginner Guitar


New member
hi! for a budget of $500, is there any recommendation on electric guitar?
what do you guys thinks about Ibanez GSA6J Jumpstart Package?
never get a package..
i'm not a pro myself so i cant help..
think u shld test 1st though..
and see if u like it..
and is 500 for ur guitar only..or guitar and amp
yeah i dunno much..prob shldnt listen to me...
well ibanez rg series is gd...but i dunno the price
ltd m-series nt bad
well i dunno much
all the best
500 could get u something more decent than a starter pack i think....

Ibanez RG321 is a gd deal....if 500 includes amp as well....try pushing the budget by about $100 and look out for second-hand deals =)
500 could get u something more decent than a starter pack i think....

Ibanez RG321 is a gd deal....if 500 includes amp as well....try pushing the budget by about $100 and look out for second-hand deals =)

yup i agree with Macca. Get a stater pack. Its more worth it. Shud i suggest u get from Davis or Sweelee. SX les paul guitar with amp at Davis or A Gibson les paul with amp at Sweelee. Or if u dun mind settling for lower end guitar, it shudn't cost any single cent more of $300. u still can get ur gig bag and a set of new string with a string cleaner. Bring someone who knows about guitar when u go out to buy them.
yup i agree with Macca. Get a stater pack. Its more worth it. Shud i suggest u get from Davis or Sweelee. SX les paul guitar with amp at Davis or A Gibson les paul with amp at Sweelee. Or if u dun mind settling for lower end guitar, it shudn't cost any single cent more of $300. u still can get ur gig bag and a set of new string with a string cleaner. Bring someone who knows about guitar when u go out to buy them.

a gibson les paul for $500?
i think you mean epiphone
The starter packages have amps that you will grow out of real soon. I would recommend that you get a more versatile amp like Roland Micro Cube ($150 @ Sweelee) and a better guitar... such as Ibanez RG321 or Yamaha 112V/J/Z.. Should still be within your budget for accessories.
I find that jumpstart packages, though the guitar may be good, the amplifier's usually sub-standard. However, if you can find them anywhere anymore now that they're discontinued, it would be good if you could pick out an OLP starter pack. The amp and guitar is good, my friend has it and they're really good as far as I could tell. Better than any Ibanez Jumpstart if you ask me.

I don't know about the GSA6J, but I have a GSA60 and its a really good guitar, one of the good pieces because badly made Ibanez Gios aren't difficult to find. If you get the 2009 model, it has a mahogany body. I'm generally not a big fan of Ibanez Gios but the GSA60 has my recommendation.
first. you're just starting out. stick with your desired budget. get that package.
and keep saving $$.
After a yr, if your interest in music is still there, sell that guitar and amp..and use your savings to go buy an awesome axe.

end of story.

startin from good stuff wld nv enable you to understand why the good stuff are good stuff.
Dude. I think you need this, I have a great beginner guitar and AMP up for sale.
I mean, if you dont wanna spend much on your starting kit incase you lose interest., like i have lost mine.

Yamaha RGX 121z Black Guitar. Retail price: 550.
Yamaha GA-15 15 WATT AMP: Retail price: 110

I'l let both go to you for 360. Condition for both is GREAT.
Contact me: 97550617
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