Recommend me guitar strings for electeric acoustic


New member
Hi guys i have a takamine eg440sc-ns g series guitar im planning to restring again as the store owner from yamaha told me that any acoustic string will sound nice so i bought exp 17 and after putting it in it sound quite horrible it dosent have a warm sound anymore from my previous string any string i should get for my specific guitar??
Guitar strings normally sound overly bright or rather 'weird' straight after putting 'em on. They need to season with usage for awhile before they sound good. If EXPs truly do sound terrible, I'd be asking why they're so popular. Haven't personally tried the EXPs but I've used D'addario's uncoated strings for quite a long time on both electric and acoustic, and to me D'addario makes some of the best strings for both electric and acoustic.
no my guitar is an acoustic electric after putting on the exp 17 string the sound is to bright then my previous one. and it sounds abit out of tune and kinda hard to press down(example performing a G) and it hurts while pressing it but my previous string did not gave me this kind of problem.
i heard the elixirs string polyweb are good. are they?
Hi there,

Yes D'addario's are great. but I've found that the Elixir Polyweb and Nanowebs are really really nice.
I found there is a difference too.
Haven't tried Elixirs but have heard alot of good things about it. I prefer EXPs and have been using them for awhile. It is bright at the start, but once it settles in, it'll be fine. Just have to be patient. And EXP 17 is quite a thick gauge, maybe you wanna try the lower gauges first? EXP26 for example?
Elixirs are very bright. And will stay bright for a long time (at least 2 months even with sweaty palms).

Look for other compounds stated on the string package.
D'addario has that tone meter thing you can check it out.
80/20 bronze alloy strings are pretty bright.

It's hard to get the 'seasoned' not so bright sound with elixirs, they are very durable.
from experience, I find the EXPs and Elixir coated strings tend to make your guitar sound a little more on the bright side.

if I were to recommend, I would go for Daddario EJ16 or EJ26 depending on which string gauge you play. best strings but if you are a tone purist, you'd find yourself changing them out at least once a month cos the heavenly tone wears off very quickly. lucky I'm not so picky but my ears can tell the difference.