Recommend me a teacher please.


New member
^What title says. I know about soft classifieds, but I don't want to limit myself to that place. In case there's someone out there non-existent on the forum that everybody in the forum (except me) knows.

1. At least 8 years teaching experience. That's teaching alone, not playing alone. Thought some 12 years will be even better 8D

2. Does not use all.

3. Heavy on theory.
In the long term I wish to progress towards creating my own compositions.

I can read basic scores, but I can't play them! Because I did some theory exercises, I can read the scores relatively OK, I can count the notes, but I can't friggin play what I can read /slapsself
OT, I suck at multitasking.

But I don't want to hike up to 100~BPM and play everything inaccurately because I feel so cheater too! Idk if it's weird to you but I am like super anal about not playing it not-right. /slapsselftwice

I need beansprouts to feel like I'm actually learning music. My previous teacher would photostat pentatonic scales etc, he'd draw chord diagrams, but no tau ghey ))): I need my beansproutssssss D8

4. I live in the east, my budget is strictly under 150 a month. Strictly. I don't make money. I don't have time to make money even if I wanted to. My assignments hate thinking I actually consider having a life of my own, much less a side job. If the classes aren't in a studio/school, the teacher must come to my place, I can't go to his because I'm a girl and my grandma doesn't like her grand daughter going into stranger-mens' houses. Even stranger-ladies' houses are out, because my mum never knows if there are stranger-men in the stranger-lady's place.

5. Don't tell me to go to guitar garage. I know many people will, and it doesn't sound like a terrible place. I'm just not going there. Your persuasions are futile >.<

If it matters I listen to mostly 80s early 90s jap rock. X, Luna, laraku, diru, GLAY, to name some. Ang Moh is good like Queen and Bon Jovi but I just love Jrock more. I don't know when Alice Nine and Screw and new-age-jrock appeared, but I don't listen to them. My taste in music isn't common. I don't need my teacher to even know who Ken or Sugizo is. I'm just saying it for reference. Like, don't recommend me some guy who only teaches mandopop or something? If all his exercises are Taylor Swift, Mayday, or Metallica (they're good, but I don't just like their music.) I'd just lose interest. =X (no offence intended..)

Well...any recommendations would be deeply appreciated ^_^
Dude ! All U need is practice , U say "I can read basic scores, but I can't play them! Because I did some theory exercises, I can read the scores relatively OK, I can count the notes, but I can't friggin play what I can read /slapsself
OT, I suck at multitasking. "

Every instrument is depend on your own practice to be a pro . Yes you need to know theory & it depends mostly on a teacher but you can't play even you can kick ass the notes + theory , Useless isn't it . Rather than learning with a experience teacher for 2 hours a day , Practice without boring & play 10 hours a day . Can't ya ? You can . Every teacher will tell ya to practice hardly . You feel you are a cheater rite ? then reduce tempo & practice any scale , like pentatonic ( your x teacher taught ya ) Just reduce tempo till you get it accurate , Then if u get it , Increase the tempo & You won't feel you are cheating . It's f work cos I feel like ya last time and I did it that way to get accuracy . You wana feel like learning a real music ? Just regard your heart as the memory stick that could only be installed by music . You will get it .
Cheers !
Thanks for the advice. I know I'm being lazy myself, I hardly touched my guitar ever since I left my previous teacher cos I ended up prioritising schoolwork over guitar (no more weekly lessons to pressurise me into practising, so I spent the rest of my time chionging assignments/getting more sleep :l eventually forgot to try to find time to practise). Another excuse that fuels my laziness is that I'm finding my first and only guitar more irritating to play cos I don't like the shape & feel of it, I've been saving for a new guitar that I'll prefer.
Anyway I could play the scales, and slowly move up the BPM, (my scales were never stuck at 45bpm, though I couldn't get them fast) my issue is that I can count timing in score (quarter, eighth, sixteenth), I can clap the beat (if I think really long and hard about it), but I cannot play it out.

Do you happen to have a teacher to recommend? That's actually what I'm really looking for ^^;

Sad to say, I don't like today's X Japan, I really prefer if they remained an old legacy than to start this new world tour thingy that just....doesn't really work :l it's such a mess really.
Luna Sea is supposed to release a new album! omgomg they're finally back together. (I think they do a better job re-forming the band than X Japan, lol.)

Would you know any teachers that I may be interested in? :3
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true, hence i referred to them as X ( until the Jealousy album)
X JAPAN is rather disappointing, but SUGIZO is a worthy addition on board, and word has it that he's composing a new song for X.

yea Luna Sea is BACCKK! then again they didn't suffer a band mate's death haha and sadly they will NEVER tour singapore ):

well 8 years experience is WOW.. can ask likui to teach you theory though he's kinda young and doesn't have your required experience
well half the time I play song through reading notes and half the time I play through tabs so I can read both quite well but I don't have At least 8 years teaching experience so I can't teach u haha.
What I can say u play your scales 40bpm 1 click to 1 note , then slowly increase, 42,44,46,48 etc all the way to 120, then go back to 40 again do 2 notes to 1 click slowly increase all the way to 120, then then do 3 note then 4 notes to 1 click.
after that tell me how is it, if your timing did improve, but make sure u do it. Don't say lazy
You guys read my words wrongly...
I have no issues with drilling things like these with a metronome:

I only stay slow because I cannot perfect them at lower-than-90BPM yet, I'd prefer to be able to play perfectly at 10bpm than chioinging to be the fastest player in the world.
Also because my previous teacher left me really blur about the modes he photostat for me, I actually thought I found errors in them, basically I don't know what the mode diagrams really mean and I don't want to perfect something I don't understand. Also my friend learning another instrument under a heavy-theory told me he has to draw out his own scales on empty music scores, which made me feel even more so that I don't know what the lovelovelovelove I am playing cos I can't even make out the scales I practise if they were on a score :l

My REAL issue is with theory. I can count the notes (1/4 + 1/4 + ... = 1),
If it's really quiet and I think long and hard I can clap to the timing,
but when I pick up the guitar my mind either goes blank, messes up, or I start playing from memory.

And my really really real issue is that I'm looking for a teacher who'll get me what I want. I don't want somebody who'll just relax-relax teach me, and it's so frustrating when I ask him things about what he's teaching me, I find out he doesn't know what he's teaching me, or he knows but he doesn't know how to explain. That's why I'm looking for experience, I cannot think of another way to gauge the capabilites of a stranger-teacher than his experience in teaching alone. Playing guitar =/= teaching guitar.

I don't want tabs because I want to learn to play music as music is. If piano, violin, trombone people don't play tabs (or maybe piano tabs exist and I am ignorant) then why can't I do the same learning guitar? They're all musical instruments (at least that's how I see it) I don't like the idea of just playing fret number X on string number X without knowing what I'm playing.

OT ladyintears > I only dislike X-Japan trying to fit in with all the ~new age~ kids (which I think is all yoshiki's idea lol) they should just come together, hold a couple of reunion lives once every 5~10 years or something and remain a legacy. I think that new song SAW IV or something don't even remember the name haha was like such a flop :l
For Luna Sea... I don't want them to come to Singapore! I'd rather go to Japan to watch them live, can imagine there'll be like less than 200 people turning up for a Luna Sea tour in SG D:
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That diagram there is a major pentatonic scale pattern.
the you have to press all the circles and dots.
The one with the circle with R means that's the 1st not of the scale or the root note. R stands for root