Recommend me a good amp gurus


New member
Anyone can recommend me a good amp tech.Any amp tech u guys knoe or experienced with?I need help on this thing.
mikemann said:
Yes...yes.... someone calling me???

heehee :D

I have a question to u?I think i post publicly so that others can benefit.
How can i run two amps simultaneously.I have an ADA MP1 and Recto head.I want the Recto preamp signals taken from the Effect Send to push my ADA MP1 input signals.My ADA most likely in the Recto Effect loop.That means ADA MP1 overtake the recto preamp.Right?Any harm to my both amps.
Sorry to cut in ...

Viruz, is your intentions to use the ADA post-preamp effects on the Recto tone (i.e. disabling the ADA preamp but just adding the time-based effects, chorus, delay, reverb, etc) or do you intend to use the ADA to further alter the sound of the Recto (ADA as a 2nd preamp stage)?

Just wondering, thats all ... :)
Intend to enhance my ADA actually.Usually played direct to Effect Return.So i need that extra overdrive to push my ADAmp1 harder.Using OD pedals does not work for me dude.So i intend to take the Recto overdrive channel.
Heres the signal.....Guitar to Recto Input....Recto Effects Send to ADA MP1... ADAMP1 Output to Recto Effects Return...
Hi, firstly I'd like to say, do take care of the MP1 unit, it should be quite aged already. If you funk around wif it too much, it may not be able to take it.

Ok, what you are doing is pretty ok. Quite the norm. You are using your (Mesa Rect rite?) Recto head preamp to shape & drive the guitar signal. By using the send and return to plug to the in/out of the MP1, you are using the Recto head preamp to drive the input of the MP1.
And the output of MP1 to drive the power amp stage via the return of the Recto.

Just remember this, always turn all the gain & volume to zero first, before plugging in/out and adjust gingerly upwards the controls till you get your desired sound. This is to prevent going over the overload mark and damaging some parts.