Recommend electric guitar for newbie


New member
After 20yrs of listening to Duane Eddy, Ventures, Shadows, Carl Perkins and rockabilly sounds, I have decided to learn the elec guitar that can help take up my time when I retire soon.

I am in love with the 50-60's twangy sounds and have short-listed the following.
Let me know if I'm making the right choice. If not, do let me have yr recommendations. Am also looking at amps that can replicate these sounds. Budget? Less than $600 for guitar & amp
All other advice much appreciated. :D

1. Squier Affinity/Deluxe/Vintage Strato
2. Squier Affity/Deluxe/Vintage Tele
3. Fender 60th Anniversary Stratocaster Electric Guitar ($699 SweeLee promo)

My first reaction would be to get the Fender, but bring along a more experienced guitar-playing pal who sympathises with your musical tastes and check for any defects e.g. whether the neck is twisted or not.
Thanks...I would love to get the Fender strato or tele but the price is a little too high xcept for the SL promo.
Unfortunately, my buddies though having similar taste do not wanna learn the guitar.
Anyway, I'm also an old polecat into Stray Cats and Brian Setzer. I wish I could afford those guitar babes
shadows? get a strat and you'll be in hank marvin's territory in no time :wink: get a red one ok.. haha

+1 to crawldaddy, get a guitarist friend to accompany you when buying your guitar
I think the SX Strat copy package is an extremely good buy (the amp is lame though). Sadly, many of us think it's cheap crap. Trust me. Once the owner has advanced, there is really no need to sell it and buy a better guitar. Just swap out the pickups to Fender Texas Specials.
thanks guys....I think i have found my mid-term babe...the Epiphone Wildkat that c/w alnico p90 at 1st sight esp the cherry red.
It's THE guitar I was looking for to complement my taste for rockabilly sounds.
Of cos, there is the Grestch but no pro. Just a potential casual player to spend my free time.

SL selling at $720
early 50s :oops:

For the amp, I have shortlisted either the Vox Pathfinder 15R, DA5 or the Microcube.
Any of you guys wanna sell, pls pm me.

and yes, I will go for 1-on-1 lessons if i'm serious abt it.
I was a closet rock fan all the while. Of cos, being in a suit all day I had to 'conform' to the corporate world and do all the boring stuff.

My taste is quite varied actually.....Back in the 70s when every teen was into CCR, 70s rock ie Deep purple, Led Zep, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath...etc..., I was into 50's RNR and Glam Rock. But I still listened to these rock bands then.
I was then exposed to Punk when I was in the UK in late 70s and groups like Anti Nowhere League, Sex Pistols, Clash, Exploited were my daily dose etc....The 80s came and the birth of New Wave and Electro pop like Yazoo, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode etc....
Till now, I remained retro ie 50s-80s as the music trends started going downhill after that. Some might disagree but that's my POV. All rehash and stale....there's no 'wow' factor in today's music.
And yes, I cant stand American Top 40 music.....yucks....vomit, puke....

Anyway, back to this thread. Sorry for the OT.
My fingers in pain after 2 lessons of pain that i cant even press the next chord resulting in buzzzzzzzzz
guess i'm a little too late in recommending you a guitar here... but the Highway1 tele is one heck of a twang guitar (once it's here)...


the Epi Wild Cat isa good pick though... 8)

amp-wise, to really complement your rock-a-billy, get a small Fender combo instead of microCUBE/ DA5.
thanks....just bought a wildkat and was recommended a Fender Blues Jr amp....Which Fender amp are u refering to?
Anyways, fenders are on a high side..... :(

The Highway 1 Tele is niceeeeeeeeee. Maybe in a year or 2. Thanks for the reco.