Read me wanted badly


New member
Alright, hey all. Firstly i really appriciate all the texts and calls prior to my previous posts.
Currently now, im really finding a bassist. I did find a vocalist/syths. Come on guys, lets not let the scene in singapore die.

The music we are playing is something i cant relate to yet. But maybe abit of Haste The Day, a bit of SecondThief, a bit of HIM, a bit of everything that runs in our head.

Please do hit me back! Like i said NO restrictions to anyone, e.g, gender,height,weight,WHATEVER. Just passion and pasiion is needed.

It might be a rough ride ahead but thats life right.

So hope to hear from u guys soon. ROCK ON AND ROCK OUTT!!

Contacts; Jay- 91546304 - (msn/Facebook) :twisted: