Razor's Rock D'Fort 2006 Photos - Foreign Bands


New member
Rock Tigers - South Korea





Bamboo - Philipines




New Pants - China


bamboo is the original front man of river maya ....and ya also the bassist nathan one of my fave bassist in the phils. !!!!!!!!!they rock men ....
what a waste i didnt got ya chance to see them ..............
hahaha ya weird ha...hes been the front man of rivermaya ive watch them perform back in my hometown then all of a sudden he's gone to the states i think ...then after a few years he come back and reunited with the original bassist nathan and form bamboo...
i'd love to thank Anthony for bringing Chinese bands New pants&Re-TROS here.
been listenning to NEW PANTS since middle school,to see them is like to recall the old days.
RE-TREOS is as good as i expect,even better!
i wont miss their live in Beijing next time.
miss the city,and bands there.
Let me qualify that I am only generalizing.

The Bamboo & Rocktigers have demonstrated the highest standard of professionalism, yet remain unassuming and obliging. There is no superstar air in them despite sold out albums and non-stop shows.

One thing for sure, they do spent a lot of time watching others perform. I can say this is something grossly lacking in our guys. (watching your friends & buddies performing is a different story altogether).
The RockTigers were really really supportive. Roy, the double bass player was right upfront cheering the loudest when last band Camra was playing. They were blown away by Bushmen, Fatskunks, Dancing Nancies, and Camra. Despite our local crowd is not as sporting as their crowd back in Seoul and Tokyo, they continued to give their 100 percent. They were very disappointed to miss the 3rd day's show. Nonetheless, they are very nice people.
Its the attitude then. Well, lets be optimistic, i can see more people who care about the industry and wanna make it better. You see better singaporean band and they are getting more open now. Just takes time my man.