Random clips and my Band's Vids. =)


New member
Hey just some random stuffs i decided to post. And check out my other vids of my band. Enjoy! :D

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fv_DiY5j39w"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fv_DiY5j39w" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Sorry for the soft volume. It was taken past midnight and i couldn't disturb my neigbours! :lol:

Here's our original. Camera man accidentally coverd the mic, thus the poor
sound quality. lol. Enjoy!


Critiques are welcomed! :D
checked it out too, u guys got lotsa potential man, pretty damn tight.but abit lacking in showmanship but i guess cos thats because of the crowd and venue so u guys are all good. the mic makes it really blurry so all u can hear is the drums though....
shred in diff positions too. U were sticking in 1 position. It gives u more space and freedom for your creative shredding.

pretty cool. And i see the NCC t-shirt. ftw

not bad. shred maniac!

we are the members of the ncc, loyal and upright we will be....

ncc sea right bro?

haha. yeah thx soyabeaz. ncc sucks la. sucha waste of my time. lol. hmm any tips on how to explore other parts of the fretboard? i'm trying to work on that now. any more contructive critisism is greatly appreciated.! =)
haha next time la. so happened i just asked my bro to take a short clip of me playing past midnight and couldnt wake the neighbours up. lol. :D