question on yamaha attitude BASS


New member
it has 2 output sockets right?1 4 the neck pickup n 1 4 the p pickup...

if wanna get them both to sound together,must plug both sockets?
is it possible to get the 2 pickups to sound together using only 1 bass amp?
bin4christ said:
it has 2 output sockets right?1 4 the neck pickup n 1 4 the p pickup...

if wanna get them both to sound together,must plug both sockets?
is it possible to get the 2 pickups to sound together using only 1 bass amp?

actually there's a setting for the neck pickup and p pickup,if you use mono output,you have to press the last two controls,to make the two pickups work together,if you plug both sockets,then just press the last two controls AGAIN,setting it to the previous setting
my suggestion,the first control[the closest to the neck,which is the woofer],dont blast the woofer,just use it to get A BIT 'boom'.... to compliment the p pickup,as the p pickup would sound dry if you turn off the woofer[neck pickup]...good luck yea
tim_1002 said:
i'm sure with some quick wiring you can get both outputs from the same jack.

not advisable might ruin the instrument and not to mention,it will affect the resale value
reyrey said:
if you use mono output,you have to press the last two controls,to make the two pickups work together,if you plug both sockets,then just press the last two controls AGAIN,setting it to the previous setting

u mean the 2 output jack is 4 mono n stereo outputs?sorry,i thot 1 is for the neck pickup n the other 4 the p pickup...
wat do u mean by press btw?
erm...push the last two controls [nearest to the input jack]...just push it to activate the two pickups for mono options...anyway what kind of attitude bass you own? gak punya attitude lah..i'm juz a student studying in $ for stuff like tt..if i were to buy a bass,juz some budget 1 will do(for now lah)...
juz curious about the 2 output jacks of the attitude :p...
gw pikir lo punya,anjrot,huahuahuhau,check it out when you have the time,and you'll understand bout the 'push' thingy =) pernah coba seh..waktu itu ada 1 di waktu itu gw masih noob abis..even more noob than now...hehe...

btw gw dah send loe PM hehe...
oh ok. so any yamaha centre or what?... haha no thx no $$$ to buy frm you.

anyways, does anyone have to the one with the blue LEDs and laser stuff?
yup yamaha centre,blue LED i dont think singapore provide that kind of mods service,the shop that provided that kind of LED thingy is at london,hahaha,good luck with that
hello to all,

Im new here but been following the threads for quite some time. Heres my question : Any idea how much does it cost for a yamaha attitude bass here.(The one that billy sheehan is using). How bout ordering thru the net? Has anyone ever tried? Thanks

"In every soul theres either a hole or a pole
when the hole meets the pole, it creates another soul
either another hole or pole" :lol:
hmmm...ok. Thanks bin4christ.1 more question : You wouldnt know if its more cost effective if i order thru the net do you?Thanks again bro.
cost effective,i would say no,coz its not a normal model,signature model tend to have fixed price,imo... =)
with the shipping cost and taxes,the local dealer still offer you the best price,good luck to you iman bro