Question on Ableton Push and other Pads Controllers


New member
Hello to all the seniors in this field,

So I stumbled on Ableton Push while watching some song covers on Youtube, which the user used it for drumming (using it like a drumpad). For myself, I'm am a small time drummer in a small time band and was quite intrigued by it. I've seen such things before, but I thought the Ableton Push was different.

I did a little homework and researched on it, even went down to Sinamex to have a look-see and tried it. It had three important features which I needed, and I hope I'm correct about, hopefully the seniors around here can help me out with it.

I would like to use it as a drum replacement (instead of a DJ mixer), soBefore I go on, the following are my needs:
1. Being able to do step sequencing with good visual representation, rather important for a freshman like me in this field.
2. Being able to do live drum beats.
3. Being able to change/play pre-programmed on the go. e.g. say one basic one programmed for stanza, one for chorus, one for bridge, etc, and I can just queue them into place when the time is right. Mainly for setting up the high hat beats and maybe some claps etc, while I play the snare/kicks.

So my concerns are as follows:

a. In the note/drum mode, the 64 buttons are divided into 3 sections, top part for step sequencing, bottom left for drum pads (the different sound), and most importantly, the bottom right part, which is described as a loop length control. Does the loop length control allow me to do (3) as mentioned above? Or is it one entire long track that is broken up into 16 parts and I'm just triggering a start point somewhere.

b. I know the Ableton Push is way more powerful that what I need above, and cost wise also a little steeper. In the interest of budget, I've looked around I've seen the Launchpad S in picture as well, which also has 64 pads, which I feel would be rather useful for someone new like me going into the field due to the good visual representation when it comes to step sequencing. However, the Launchpad seems to have totally different configurations, watching videos only turn up people step sequencing in the melodic mode. The question is, without using advanced or self script like python API etc, would I be able to have the same configuration of the Ableton Push on the Launchpad S? Would it be a feature from the Ableton Live somehow.

Thanks for the help!