Punk Rock poser looking for like-minded individuals to start a band/attend shows


Hello members of SOFT,
I am inurface, a new member of this forum. I am looking for a bunch of people with a particular set of skills and personalities for a band, or simply, just people to befriend.
I am a teenager, 16 years old to be exact. Big fan of rock and roll, I really despise Pop Rock.
I have an idea. A rock band that'll disgust the nation, shock the nation but at the end of the day, create amazing tunes that will get people to mosh in pits or crowdsurf.
Requirements (Well, if you want to follow em')
16-20 y'o with a good image, no Kanken bags, no Damn Daniels, no following stupid trends
Eloquent, with a foul fucking mouth.
It would be good that you know how to actually play an instrument.
Hasn't served the dreaded N.S. (Optional)
An in your face (geddit???!?!?!) attitude, not being embarrassed if people shout in public or basically just goof and gaff around outside
Lastly.... and most importantly.......... NO POP PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick of people telling me they like rock and roll and the first thing that exits their mouth are the words 'black veil brides'
If you really care to join or you would like to be my acquaintance, you can contact me via the various platforms:
My HP no is : +65 9237 5721 (Just whatsapp me and mention the forum)
or alternatively.... you can reach me via my email.
I don't bite. Talk to me whatever tone you'd like. Keyword here is like-minded individual
Hahahaha! You're funny.
I hope you keep a screenshot of this post and look at it again in 10years time.

On the other hand, all the best in your music dude!

My name is Shea. :)