psychedelic progressive rock band looking for vox & keys (:


New member
hello fellow softies,

my band, Off Tangent, is looking for a vocalist who can reach the sky and a keyboardist whose fingers can move faster than lightning. lol. okay, we're just looking for a vocalist who can sing higher than average (preferably male) and a keyboardist who wants to try and play something technical.

a bit about our band, we've been playing for 5 years, on & off, but never had a permanent vox and keys. quite sad. we're planning to write some psychedelic/progressive/rock/metal in the near future. our influences are mainly DreamTheater, PinkFloyd, PorcupineTree, Rush etc. &we're all 20 this year btw. 'm not saying we're all proficient in the likes of John Petrucci, John Myung & Mike Portnoy, but we are keen &learning. :)

hope to get some replies soon.

Hi, keyboardist here...If its ok with you, I like to try out with u guys..However, I also have my own band, if its ok with you.
I'm also not really that experienced with synth/keys like using effects on keyboard but I like to try
this new genre of progressive rock...
I'm actually a pianist, but I play a bit of pop/rock/jazz keyboards...