PS3 White + 300GB HDD + 9 games + 1 sixaxis ($300)


Hi guys,

Letting go of my PS3 White. I've upgraded the HDD to 300GB. Comes with

9 games:
God of War collection
Max Payne
Little Big Planet
Mortal Kombat
GT 5 Prologue
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Soul Calibur 4
Uncharted 3
ICO + SOTC collection

1 white sixaxis controller
Power cable
HDMI cable

Lightly used but not abused. Warranty has expired, but if it's DOA (and it works fine when last tested) then I will refund in full. Price is non-negotiable, and everything will be sold as a bundle only.

Contact me at 9232 2733 to deal. Free delivery at my convenience IF it's a convenient location (central/east).