I'd chose the PRS.
Simple because?
I like PRS.
Same for you, which do you prefer? Have you tried both of them? Once tried then you'll know. Don't buy the guitar cause its cheaper. Buy a guitar that you feel is worth your money.
Another thing to look at is bridge, have you used an Edge Bridge before? Or are you more used to Fixed Bridges or the Vintage Style Trem's on the Trem-ified (hehehe) PRS's.
If you talk about resale value, the PRS would hold it's value more, why? Simple.
The PRS SE's are made in Korea and the Ibby's are now made in China.
I'm a BIG FAN of Ibby's but if I had the choice, again, the PRS, why? Because i LAIKE PRS!

So it's totally up to you, which feels and sounds better to you.
And a note about Higher Output Pickups, who says the PRS default pickups can't handle heavy music? What makes you so sure the Ibby's pickups can handle it equally, or even better? Again, 2 diff guitars, pickups can be swapped but need not to. Like for my guitar, i'm happy with the default pickups and don't see the point of spending 100 bucks on getting a new one when i'm happy with the sound it's giving me now. Again, PERSONAL PREFERENCE.
To summarize this long posts, what i'm trying to say is:
Go find, Go see, Go try and Go Buy
Just some additional notes, what pedals and amps you use, what kind of songs you'd like to play, what sort of music you prefer and what's your budget, cause i think that there may be other guitars that you'd prefer other than these two