PRS SE Custom 24 vs Ibanez S420.


New member
Hi All,

Looking for a comparison comments on this two guitars as I'm currently looking to get a good all-rounder versatile guitar. I came down to these top two on my list and I hope I can get a second or third view from you guys here at SOFT.

So which of these guitars would be the better buy?

Help me out here.

All rounded? Get a Les Paul(Sorry, couldn't resist. :p)
What genres you play, and why your current guitar cannot fulfill these needs?
What are the things that you like about these two guitars and how did you decide you want either?
One has a Floyd Rose and one has a Vintage Trem. So if your music style requires dive bombing, the choice is pretty clear. Trust me, you wouldn't want to cut up cavities in a guitar unless it's a definite keeper. Plunges the resale value.
According to MF, US$500 for the Ibby, US$670 for the PRS SE Custom 24. Quite big price gap, around US$170 which translates to perhaps S$230+/-?
My guesstimate would be S$750 for the Ibanez, and around 1 grand for the PRS.
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I'd chose the PRS.
Simple because?
I like PRS.

Same for you, which do you prefer? Have you tried both of them? Once tried then you'll know. Don't buy the guitar cause its cheaper. Buy a guitar that you feel is worth your money.

Another thing to look at is bridge, have you used an Edge Bridge before? Or are you more used to Fixed Bridges or the Vintage Style Trem's on the Trem-ified (hehehe) PRS's.

If you talk about resale value, the PRS would hold it's value more, why? Simple.

The PRS SE's are made in Korea and the Ibby's are now made in China.
I'm a BIG FAN of Ibby's but if I had the choice, again, the PRS, why? Because i LAIKE PRS! :D:D:D:D:D

So it's totally up to you, which feels and sounds better to you.

And a note about Higher Output Pickups, who says the PRS default pickups can't handle heavy music? What makes you so sure the Ibby's pickups can handle it equally, or even better? Again, 2 diff guitars, pickups can be swapped but need not to. Like for my guitar, i'm happy with the default pickups and don't see the point of spending 100 bucks on getting a new one when i'm happy with the sound it's giving me now. Again, PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

To summarize this long posts, what i'm trying to say is:

Go find, Go see, Go try and Go Buy

Just some additional notes, what pedals and amps you use, what kind of songs you'd like to play, what sort of music you prefer and what's your budget, cause i think that there may be other guitars that you'd prefer other than these two :)
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Hey Lemonade, Bluelime n JumpinJellybean!! Thanks for the fruitful replies. =))
It got me thinking quite abit.

YEap! I'm into heavy music, but I like to cover some blues or pop rock once in awhile, so I'm looking for the versatility there. I've checked out the price comparison. Ibby goes for $920 and Prs SE goes for $1400 converting the us list prices. For how both guitar sounds like, I've tried the Ibby and viewed the Prs on youtube. It's not a good form of comparison but I think they both have their own character but I found the Prs to sound heavier.( I kinda dig that!) However, I'm not too familiar with how to use and maintain a ZR bridge. (but I think that can be learnt). Not sure if Davis has one of those prs se in stock.

But what I'm looking for is tuning ease but at the same time with some trem options. I currently use a guitar with a tune-o-matic bridge so changing of tunings is really quick. Compared to locking trems i think "fender-type" trems gets your tuning in quicker than a locking trem.

Talking about swapping pups, I think I wouldn't have to do that with the Prs stock. Seen reviews of players playing all types of music including heavy riffing on it's stock pups, sounded just right. And that clean tone, almost acoustic!

Ofcourse like Lemonade93 said, price-wise both guitars are within my budget but I wanna go for the which'll last longer and wouldn't need too much maintenence and also it gives a great value for the money spent.

To sum it all up.
Looking to see which guitar is:
- easy to use
- versatile
- bang-for-the-buck
- Dont have to do much upgrades once bought.

Which would you guys suggest out'f the two or any other besides these two?

Thanks a big bunch again for the replies!!
Ibanez are not made in china. The mid range are made in indo.
Personally, i rather a Indo made guitar than a korean made. (Bad experience with korean made qc)
Ibanez GIOs are made in china...
yeap for got to include.

I'm using an effects chaing straight into a Crate Flexwave 15r.

from my guitar to the amp is:
tuner - wah - od - fuzz - metal dist - clean boost - flanger - delay - noisegate.
Your welcome (:
You should go down to davis and try the guitars and see if there is one in stock. (also help me check prs se torero price can ? ^^
I heard pretty nice things about the Torero pherhaps u wanna take a look at it too ? But it hasnt been in stock for awhile.
Definitely! Will probably go down this weekend or thursday. Will update on the guitar's sound. Also, I'll rmbr to check out the torero too!!
just a reminder that locking dual action bridges are a pain in terms of re-string, tuning & intonation. do invest in one if you can really commit to its entailments.
Ibanez are not made in china. The mid range are made in indo.
Personally, i rather a Indo made guitar than a korean made. (Bad experience with korean made qc)
Ibanez GIOs are made in china...

My Ibanez SA260FM is made in China :D. Not only the GIO's :).

Anywho, the PRS also comes in a wraparound bridge if i'm not mistaken :)
the Artcore series are also Chinese & these are some of the best offerings, in terms of QC, from Ibanez.

the country of origin isn't a sure guarantee in terms of production standards, the production hands are more responsible for the desired outcome.
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the Artcore series are also Chinese & these are some of the best offerings, in terms of QC, from Ibanez.

the country of origin isn't a sure guarantee in terms of production standards, the production hands are more responsible for the desired outcome.

Alrhough the country of origin would somehow effect the Resale value of the product, no?
Resale value and not quality. :p
Most people would go for an MIJ or MIA over a MIC or MII, even if they have to pay a premium, because there's a stereotype that China-made guitars are so poor in quality, or American/Japanese made guitars have really high quality. Chinese QC has greatly improved.
That's not to say that Chinese production guitars are better; at the end of the day, it varies piece by piece.

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