Producer - happy to mix or remix for free


New member
Title says it all. I make electronic music. But its strictly a hobby. However, I would be happy to mix, remix or produce tracks for free. Frankly, its good experience and creative fun for me and I would enjoy it. I can't make promises as to whether you like what I produce, but any mix is yours to keep, and it might well spark creative ideas for you/your band.

The only conditions are:

1. I would need to receive separate stems (vocals, guitars, drums, etc).
2. You would have to give me a bit of time to mix/remix, as I have a job and this is just a hobby, so few weeks turnaround.
3. If you like it and use it, please credit me. Only thing I require.

I would prefer projects where I have some creative and/or experimental freedom (ability to play with beats, glitch, sample and resample, add or subtract), but I am also happy to be set parameters.

My work is generally ambient, experimental, industrial, or shoegazy, but I appreciate most forms of music and am adaptable.

Overall, it's just for fun, although the task will be taken seriously.

If interested, message me with some ideas.
