Problem with Strat trus rod


New member
Ok here's the deal. I traded my guitar for a Strat a couple of weeks ago. I later wanted to set it up because I noticed that the intonation was off and that the neck was a little warped.

BUT. This is when I discovered that the allen key cannot turn the trus rod! When I looked with a torchlight, I realised that the 'hole' where the allen key is supposed to go was corroded and was almost completely circular. The allen key cannot 'grip' the trus rod.

Has anyone come across this problem? Any solution besides changing the whole neck. I like the neck and would like to salvage it in some way.
get a refund. you might have to change the truss rod but that would be like super costly.

if you cant get a refund and that guitar is not very expensive, no choice, just sell it by parts as the repairs might exceed the guitar's cost price.
Thanks for the replies. Hmm seems to be a dead end. Sigh.

Lesson learned: need to be more wary when buying/selling/trading

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