price for ricken backer bass


New member
Hi guys! my virgin post!! =)~
wats the price for ricken backer bass? and where for sale? still a poor kid... cant afford... but fall in love since the days i donno wats diff from bass and guitar do provide shipping to singapore,since down here got no dealer for rickies,the price varies,depends on where you purchase it...
The Finish is actually quite durable. As with all instruments, if you take at least minimal care of it, it will outlive most other basses.
What's the big hoo-haa of the Rickies? i mean .. as in their tone, what is it that captures people?
last time i donno anything den i just see shape loh... actually till now i nv hear of the sound b4 also... so if to rate... how u guys here which is more experience den me will rate this babe??
It's got a very distinctive tone, that's for sure... some say it's a one-trick pony, but like the P-bass, it's a pretty damn good trick.
sounds like P-Bass ah? hmm actually i like the jazz type sound more leh.. more smooth ah?? P-Bass sound more heavy rite?? correct me if i'm wrong.. =) still new
i'm a noob,but i kno i prefer p basses for tt 'bad@$$' sound..u kno(cant describe),more suitable for rock...but i've seena jazz band use it as well...
but for slapping,ther's only 1 guy who hav told me tt it's slap tone isnt weird...
well,slap sound is actually personal preference to me,many may prefer jazz for slapping,but for me p also work just fine... very subjective issue yea offence if u feel offended lah bro...
but per'aps the pickups play a big part..urs was fender..the 1s tt i've tried were maybe crappier..
piak said:
sounds like P-Bass ah? hmm actually i like the jazz type sound more leh.. more smooth ah?? P-Bass sound more heavy rite?? correct me if i'm wrong.. =) still new

No...I meant like it's good at what it does lah, wasn't talking about the sound :)
i think rickies doesnt sound like jazz or p bass,it sounds like rickies,haha,it got its own sound,distinct sound
Yeah, rickies and warwicks are in class of their own... they are what they are cos of the distinctiveness.... hey, plug in a rickie anywhere throgh anything and most players will know its a rickie.... mine is staying with me for life man
The neck is pretty slim to me( and i am used to thunderbirds and jaz bass necks) but the set up is all..... you have to set up the bass you like it.When i got me rickie, i din like it, but then i readjusted the string tension , action, the works, and now it plays like a dream to me.