Bought from Ebenex a year ago. Am selling it as I bought another amp recently.
As the name suggests, the tweaker provides very very usable tone with switches for you to recreate signature tones from Fender, Vox, and Marshall.
Probably one of the best tube amps you can get at this kind of price point. 1 x 12" closed back cabinet with Celestion speaker.
Refer to video below for an idea of the tone it produces.
Tubes have been upgraded to JJs recently, brand new unit costs $825 from Ebenex before the tube upgrade.
Yours for just $400. Contact 9099 9830 if interested.
As the name suggests, the tweaker provides very very usable tone with switches for you to recreate signature tones from Fender, Vox, and Marshall.
Probably one of the best tube amps you can get at this kind of price point. 1 x 12" closed back cabinet with Celestion speaker.
Refer to video below for an idea of the tone it produces.
Tubes have been upgraded to JJs recently, brand new unit costs $825 from Ebenex before the tube upgrade.
Yours for just $400. Contact 9099 9830 if interested.