B bassfreak New member Mar 6, 2007 #1 Hey guys, i've got a question. Can a Precision bass neck fit onto a Jazz bass body? thanks.
K KayCee New member Mar 6, 2007 #2 As long as both components are US spec-ed, they should be interchangeable. The main difference between the P and J neck is the nut width.
As long as both components are US spec-ed, they should be interchangeable. The main difference between the P and J neck is the nut width.
reyrey New member Mar 7, 2007 #3 yup,+1,anyway a lil bit OT here,let's say i got new neck and i want it to be installed in my bass,does maestro provide such service?
yup,+1,anyway a lil bit OT here,let's say i got new neck and i want it to be installed in my bass,does maestro provide such service?
T tobias New member Mar 7, 2007 #4 jaco pastorius does that he owns a fender jazz bass fretless (he de-fret and epoxy the fingerboard himself) and he also has a fretted jazz bass, with a `57 precision maple neck. ( he use that to practice, cause its harder to play) there's a video that features that on youtube
jaco pastorius does that he owns a fender jazz bass fretless (he de-fret and epoxy the fingerboard himself) and he also has a fretted jazz bass, with a `57 precision maple neck. ( he use that to practice, cause its harder to play) there's a video that features that on youtube