Power Amplifier and Recommended Speaker


New member
hello s.o.f.t. users and bloggers..

i have a power amplifier of 2x250 watts (500watts bridge mode).
what is the maximum speaker power should i use to maximize amplifier rating..

Maximun power mean hitting just below the saturation point of the output. Above will cause DC, shot your speaker, and in return shot your amp. Definitely you don't want that. You need to know two thing for speaker. Maximum power handling and sensitivity. Higher sensitivity mean less power to drive loud. Maximum power mean the speaker can receive the max power from the amp. For small room(HDB type), normally we don't care about maximum power handling for speaker.Normally, it is too loud to bear at max power.
hello kongwee..

the way i understand your comment is this.. if i have 250 watt per channel, it means that my maximum power speaker should be 250 watts as well.. beyond my amp power will shut down either my speaker or my amp? please let me know if i got it right..

thanks again.
Your speaker can be lower in power handling. Common dynamic speaker is 88dB/4 ohm/watt. Horn loaded will push to 105 db/8 ohm/watt. Normally. I just look at 88db. If drive to 91db, it will required 2 watt. Every 3 db gain is about the double power of previous power required. But watt alone is not a good gauge. There is no standard in power rating in audio world. Look at watt, we only at that one side of the electric power. In a practical way, it will best to listen to a hook up system. You can't stand the sound pressure(not break up or whatever) in the mid volume pot. The amp and speaker can go much more.

If you have a 100 watt rating speaker hook up to a 250 amp, you still can use.
If the speaker is 91db, at 30% of amp will drive you crazy in a small room.
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ahh.. i need to understand further on decibels.. let me check the internet about it.. thanks a lot again..
best regards..