possible to learn electric guitar without learning acoustic?

why not? you can do some stuff on the electric while u cant on the acoustic vice versa
so it's like asking that can one play the acoustic without knowledge of an electric guitar? its pretty much the same
yeap.but the thing is electric guitar theres more things to control.
tone wise,volume wise,treble,bass etc etc.
bumper to carry around due to its weight + amp.

Acoustic on the other hand has a nice tone to it.
light weight carry it anywhere.
only cons is that strings must be pressed hard.
beside i think why ts has this mentality it is because most people who wants to pick up the guitar usually start of with classical/acoustic or something cheap instead of investing in electric guitars/amps, mainly the reason i believe is the cost of it and in a long run in general people ask questions like such, but no worry bro be it acoustic or electric it's still a guitar :)
both are guitars, both involve the same fundamentals- fretting & picking. either instrument will facilitate ability acquisition.
In my opinion it doesn't matter. Start with one and then learn the other after that since electric and acoustic are really very different and are for different styles of music. If the music you want to play involve electric more, learn electric first before going to acoustic. Some of my friends play electric but have never played acoustic so it's more of a matter of starting one first before the other rather than acoustic before electric.
i think i'm one of the gulity ones that had this mindset.
I'm playing acoustic, and my skills (i feel) isn't so perfect yet. i love to take up electric guitar coz for most of the songs i listen, are mostly played by electric guitar. but, i think that, my acoustic guitar isn't as perfect, if i take up electric guitar, i will have to like spend and manage my time to master for both?

And yea true, electric guitar need more investment that acoustic. (imo)
decent acoustic aint cheap either -ahem-
if its an electric you wna play just go for it u know before i had my acoustic i got my electric first :) but ultimately my first guitar was a classical, and for a beginner it really stretched the hell outta my fingers
you can choose either way really, but in my opinion, start out with a classical/acoustic. The way your left fingers has to press on the strings is usually harder than on an electric. After a few months mastering, or comfortably, playing the acoustic, you will find playing an electric guitar, MUCH EASIER.

But this is all my opinion. Cus I went through the classical, then the acoustic, and it was easy on the electric after that
that's a good go man haha
i always felt classical helps your fingers stretch more while acoustic strings are some how tougher than electric
helps by giving you crocodile skin fingers :)
Looking at this post, i realised I have a stupid/curious question to ask.

/crosses fingers and hope that self don't get flamed. =////

I have heard from a friend that her friend had tore through the skin on her fingers when she played speed metal/grindcore/etc on her electric guitar for a few hours straight. Is that possible? And is it because of the non-existent protection of "crocodile skin" as that person started off with e.guitar straight?
Looking at this post, i realised I have a stupid/curious question to ask.

/crosses fingers and hope that self don't get flamed. =////

I have heard from a friend that her friend had tore through the skin on her fingers when she played speed metal/grindcore/etc on her electric guitar for a few hours straight. Is that possible? And is it because of the non-existent protection of "crocodile skin" as that person started off with e.guitar straight?

My friend got a tear on his finger skin playing post-hardcore songs, so i guess it is possible but after the long run, your finger would be more resistant as the skin will grow back, harder.

I got another question: Does acoustic guitar all sound the same?
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hey i never thought that anyone would ask this question. I had already bought myself an electric guitar and amplifier before I saw this post and thought that I am about ready to start. But I am not sure what to self-learning guide to purchase. I've seen guides on how to play the guitar or how to play a bass guitar but never seen how to play an electric guitar. :( Is there any recommendation that you guys have, it would be better if there's a cd together with it, to make sure that I can comprehend with the guide and making the correct sounds :)

Thanks for the help in advance. cheers.
Are u being sarcastic? i really need a real answer because i plan to learn guitar but i don't know a lot of things.

no i'm not being sarcastic. there are so many different types of acoustics out there, be it 6 strings, 12 strings, dreadnaught, jumbos, they all sound different.

theres this website i dont know whether u've heard abt it before:
but with a little effort, u can get all ur answers from there