I have unplugged the cable from the 1/4" jack, and then off the amp, the pop sound disappear
its not about the tubes or knobs in the amp..
those solid state amp..that sounds comes out straight away after u turn on..will have that pop sound..
for example..a vox amp valvetronix series..it takes a while to start up..like 2 seconds.. so u can't hear the pop sound cuz its too soft..
a laney solid state like HCM and LG series.. the guitar sound comes through once u turn it on..so the pop sound can be heard..
its just like y your daddy start up the car got that engine sound..
turning the volume knob down might soften the pop sound..but won't totally remove it..
all those crap about what..amp will explode..its rubbish lah..
relax people..its just a normal start-up sound.. most solid state amp will have one..
as for the 3-pin thing..its used to control feedback.. only needed if u go clean but there's this humming sound coming out of the amp even when u turn your guitar volume knob to zero.. the 3-pin won't help in the pop sound..