polishing fretboard


New member
When I polish the fretboard, do I have to remove all the strings or do I just have to loosen them?
Remove all the strings, it makes for easier access and will allow you to clean the frets as well.

Just to clarify, the fretboard needs to be conditioned and cleaned, not polished. Make sure you do not use guitar polish for conditioning/cleaning, please use the proper products for such purpose - e.g. Dunlop 01 and Dunlop 02.

These can be purchased at Ranking/Swee Lee (Bras Basah) or Davis (Peninsular).
Not necessarily, you can reuse the same set of strings, just unwind them carefully instead of cutting them.

Conditioning doesn't have to be done too often either, perhaps once every 2 sets of strings?
You can buy the Dunlop System 65 Fingerboard Care Kit, which comes with 01
Cleaner & Prep, 02 Deep Conditioner and a polishing cloth. Or you can buy them
individually. You can also use 65 Ultimate Lemon Oil to condition the fretboard.

There's no need to remove the strings, just loosen them like tubescreamer said :-D