Please recommend a good Noise cancellation headphone


New member
When I record bands live in a studio without a recording booth, or a small venue its hard to monitor the sound. Any good headphones that really helps monitor without having sound from external sources be heard. :)
Thanks again ..will check it out and I guess I was looking for sound isolation rather than noise cancellation. I guess I got my terms mixed up. :)

welcome. Price wise, i internet website pricings for the EX-25 is USD60 and USD100 for EX-29. Good luck! Let me know what you buy in the end.
I second ron's choice of ATH-M30 for being one of the flattest headphones for a cheap price. IMO they can only be beat by the higher end Shure headphones (sr660?). However headphones dont provide very good isolation if your surroundings are very loud.

You might want to consider IEMs (in-ear monitors) which offer much more isolation than headphones. There is a pair called the Hippo Shrooms which are also excellent for being flat, and they cost under $100 a pair.

I got my pair from Jaben Network at The Adelphi. They also carry the ATH-M30 and the Shure headphones so you can A/B test them.
Hi, you know when i saw MCA thread, i remember he is working in a live and w/o booth envorinment. I only know that when there is a band, there will be noise and if you need a pair of hps, you need to have it isolated. So that is when EX-25 comes into my mind and let him view the product on the website since he is gathering cluesss and info from ......
M30 indeed is a great pair of headphones for studios and in fact has turned some users from buying some " expensive " monitor headphones. Studios are using them for their talents. But.... Live performance wise, it is fine but just giving him more choices, which is what he needs so tt he can A/B test.
Earplugs works great! Isolation definitely as goods as my 2 index fingers. But i would like to really know how the Crash, kick sound when MCA do his first recording with the mentioned 100bucks earplug. But make sure it is able to take the level he needs before distortion. Still hope to hear from him what he buys in the end.
actually ATHM30 isn't flat in my opinion, it's got this "mid scoop" + lows enhancement. so it easily sounds "solid" on it, deceiving, but I'm just more for the bang for buck hehe
hi Garrgarr, Thanks for your note, I would really need something solid for sound isolation because of the loud levels in close proximity of my recording. In ear monitors wont work for me, for some reason my ears are kinda small, ear plugs just dont stay on my ears if I move about.

I will still consider Direct Sound EX25 or EX29 isolation headphones too. It will take me a while to go down and get one before my next recording. I used to get good sound from my Yamaha headphones from my mixer board but the phones out blew up. :( I have to record and then monitor the actual sond..very tedious.
actually several years back before earplug phones become a trend, i had a chance to try out earplugs by Etymotic Research. ER4s and ER4p. Oh these 2 plugs really amazed me. That time, there isn't much options other then Shure E2 and couple made by Sennheiser for really stage monitor purposes. The 2 ER phones were at 400-500bucks still. But these 2 are really good engineered. Their separation, mid, trebles and lows are good to pick up cymbals, kick and other instruments as long as you wear them correctly. Putting on earplugs really need to ensure it is well fitted into your ear and block out the ear canal. That is why i do really like to try out earplugs. There are many new earplugs with 2 drivers, 3 drivers nowsaday. But some cost as high as what i can imagine. But still don't sound right and was told need an amp. Wah this makes it not practical as i think. Making a portable earphones dun sound good w/o an amp?? I think that time i just plugged those ER4 into a CD player/ discman to audition and i really feel i am listening to a live performance. No amps. The only thing now i use is a pair of ER20 earplug to block out noise when i am sitting and working and need concentration. I am carrying this for the past years as long as i am working. But only when i am sitting. When i start to walk, i can feel the thingy is coming off....
hmm, i'm not sure about using in ear monitors to mix stuff, but personally i'm using an audio technica ATH-M40fs as my "flat" response headphone. i think i got it for about $130. quite good actually, the only sad thing is the black paper thing lining the sponge that isolates sound is peeling off.. still isolates sound though, but a lot of black stuff on my ear after i take it off!
Hi ABSin

I finally got my Direct sound (Extremem Isolation) EX-29 headphones and used it recently to record my videos in a jamming studio to record two bands. I must say the results are pretty good. The headphones are built to isolate external sound but it doesn't isolate 100% I would say 70-80% but good enough for my application. I would recommend to try before you buy :)

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