Please advice, a dillemma.


New member
I got a dilemma now. I have a drummer who is a leader. But nowadays he doesnt seems to be a leader much and doesnt put much effort (we cant see) in his drumming.

Problem now is, all of my band members wanted him to be replace but, he is the leader (although msotly i do all the management thingy like when jamming, what song to play bla bla bla) and the one who found this band.

And i think, the songs that we choose is too ahrd for him and he doesnt fit to play but wee really wanted to play this particular song lor.

And i got myself a gig in a months time, but he still not fit to play yet.

So now, how do i should tell him without hurting him? Well, i dont liek to lose friend or make someone angry but if we got someone limited (for the time being, maybe he improve overtime)its hard for a band.
Just because someone starts a band doesn't mean they can't be thrown out of it. It happened to me. :) Bastards.
just tell him he's not good enough, he doesn't make the cut. you're going to have to replace him if he's still not good by a certain date. Give him a deadline to shape up or ship out.

there's no better way than the cold, hard truth.
just tell him you guys can't go anywhere if he's going at that rate.. and if he still wants in he gotta improve. told that to my drummer.. the next jamming session he was doing stratovarius songs hahahahhahah..
Hi, only you know your band members well. Solve your problem in a diplomatic way lah.

Maybe before the next jam sessions you guys meet up earlier at a makan place, and have a band discussion. You should not be too harsh on the words, and don't drag too.

The leader thing is very sensitive and he might take it harshly. How would you feel if your guys tell you that you are not 'Leading well enough'. Maybe you should reach a consesus with your other band members on who should be the one to lead before bringing him into the discussion. Sound like you want to be the leader, so you must make things happen.

Sometimes you don't even need to tell him that he is no longer leader, just slowly take over the tasks one by one. Ask yourself, in the beginning is he a willing leader in the first place, or you guys made the decisions for him. All this will be factored in your course of action.

One last consideration, you have a gig soon. So if he pulls out of the band, will you be left stranded?? All these you need to consider in a diplomatic situation.
Sometime hav to give and take. Some can learn very fast, others will take a longer time. Some work under pressure, others give way to pressure.

Maybe you can tink of another easier song to work on, just in case he cannot produce on your original song. Think ahead.

Sometimes a simple song can move an audience much more than a complicated song. depends on your showmanship.
i dont think u should kick him out because he sucks. bt if he sucks in his attitutde, i d support u all the way. bt seriously, if u knew of his standard when u gt him in the band, i dont think u should kick him out because he aint that good. jst stick with him and let him improve with the band.
Yes - true. Also because drummers are very very very difficult to find. Even crap ones. Stick with him and try to all work together to improve over the long term.

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