Play With Me


New member
i jus started my guitar few months ago
can slowly play some song after practising so hard
spend day and night

plan to master accoustic or pop guitar 1st, only then move on to electric guitar

however, so sien playing it alone
im now want to seek some friends with same level of guitar standard
to play with, practice with and discuss with

any songs will do, mostly english or chinese, sing while playing
most important is the technique.. practising the teachnique
location: anywhere (sg so small)

anyone keen? please email me to plutology @ hotmail . com (it's my msn too)

hope to hear from you soon..
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To improve your techniques, you need either a qualified teacher or someone who is more technically apt to guide you.

Getting someone with the same standard or lower as you to play with will only improve your social circle but none of the guitar playing aspect.

My 2 cents...
Haha, Cavett has a point there.

But plutology, I understand how you feel. Basically there will be more motivation to continue playing if you have a group of kakis doing the same thing as you right? Well, perhaps if you practise with a group of kakis with more or less the same standard as you, you can still improve, albeit at a slower rate maybe, 'cos more mistakes will be made! :p I've also just picked up guitar a few months ago and have been taking lessons so far. Now I'm going to stop them soon, and am going to self-learn. I'm hoping and praying that I'll have the perseverance and determination to continue playing! ;)
To improve your techniques, you need either a qualified teacher or someone who is more technically apt to guide you.

Getting someone with the same standard or lower as you to play with will only improve your social circle but none of the guitar playing aspect.

My 2 cents...

what ive never had a qualified teacher but can play alot of songs with proper technic,sweep picking,harmonics,palm muting on and on,i guess its the mindset,i only think a person will only need a teacher when all hope is lost or wanna excell really fast in playing to a certain standard,cause everyone has their own playing technic and what this dude seems to have is alot of willpower to play so id doubt he would need a teacher,
Haha, Cavett has a point there.

But plutology, I understand how you feel. Basically there will be more motivation to continue playing if you have a group of kakis doing the same thing as you right? Well, perhaps if you practise with a group of kakis with more or less the same standard as you, you can still improve, albeit at a slower rate maybe, 'cos more mistakes will be made! :p I've also just picked up guitar a few months ago and have been taking lessons so far. Now I'm going to stop them soon, and am going to self-learn. I'm hoping and praying that I'll have the perseverance and determination to continue playing! ;)

dude playin guitar is a disease,haha in a good way though, so im sure youll have the perseverance