Picking up a guitar


New member
Hi guys, i've been wanting to pick up a guitar for awhile now. But right now i'm not sure if I should get a better one or those "able-to-play" kind of guitars, since I'm not confident of how long my interest will last. I don't plan on going for any lessons or courses, mainly because i'm really busy with work and stuff. I also have friends who are able to guide me on the basics.

I'm looking into acoustic guitars, are those selling at Chong Pang usable? I've seen some guitars at Chong Pang going for pretty low prices, is it worth getting one to play or get from a proper and reputable guitar shop? As mentioned, i'm not sure how long my interest may last.

All help is appreciated, thanks! :)
greetings, my friend.

my take on this would be to go along with whatever comes your way but avoid an instrument which would become the reason for the death of your interest.
it's best to have friends who go out for casual jams. at least you'd be more motivated to learn the instrument. beats listening to a metronome and practicing chromatics (although that is important too in time to come)
+1 subversion. I once had an acoustic guitar which was literally a pain to play and i lost interest because of that.

the shop at chong pang that you're referring to is beside the coffee shop is it?? i always pass by that shop but never had the time to take a good hard look. hmm maybe one day i will.
They are cheap but the quality of the instruments are suspect (some gtrs have uneven frets, warped neck, poor workmanship, already exposed to the elements,... etc).

If you really wanna get a gtr at Chong Pang, ask someone familiar with the workings of the instrument to go along and help pick the 'best' of the lot.
Chong Pang update...

Visited the Chong Pang shop today to try out some acoustics for a friend.
A few dads & a CD guy who just bot a gtr ....

Nice looking gtrs I must say. Sight down the necks, they're quite straight, Frets looks level too.

Picked a $70 gtr; cheapest of the lot; sounds muddled, tuned it up; strike a D chord, intonation waayyy off
Next a $90 gtr; nice clear/brilliant tones; tuned it up; strike a D chord, intonation out.
and another; this ones a $100, another D chord, intonation kaput

What the hell is this crap? :mad:
Not to be critical of 'em but I wonder how they can still sell their gtrs....

Ooooh I nearly offered my 2 cents to an unsuspecting dad whos buying a gtr for his daughter but the wifey stopped me :rolleyes:
Wish him all the best.
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for $100, we should not expect much, at all. besides, those people who buy $100 guitars probably don't know a thing about intonation. all in all, it works out nicely IMO.
but when you compare it wif a $60 Congress* I bot at Davis a few yrs back, this is "daylight robbery"... literally

* no prblm with this gtr watsoeva... that is until I messed with the bridge :p
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in the olden days...when we are poor...

its not about the guitar but its about the passion to play the guitar...

we started learning with a really bad guitar...super chunky neck, high action..bad intonation(at that time don't even know what intonation was), it's actually a blessings in disguise ...we played everything on it...from stairway to heaven solo...to scorpions' holiday to deep purple highway star.......whether the neck was straight or action too high we don't bother...already used to it...thus helps to develop very strong left fingers...

but nowadays learner are too pampered that a bit of high action...cannot play....neck must be straight...action must be low...in fact ..sometimes when i try some kids' guitar...they will rather hv low action with compromise in tone than higher action with better tone...

the point i m trying to make is...doesn't matter if the person did not have a good guitar to practise with...if the passion is there..nothing will stop them from progressing....
Get a good guitar. Learning on a good quality guitar is difficult enough, and you don't want to go through the most difficult times with a lousy one. With a good guitar you won't give yourself excuses like "if only I had a better guitar.. this one is so hard to play"

You'll probably develop a sentimental connection to your first guitar. Make it a good one and you'll keep it forever.