Pick case!


New member
Ok just curious...

Where do you put your picks? I mean like do u have a container or something?
Haha i use a small plastic case bought at some 1 dollar store.........

I think it's supposed to be for storing earrings though :oops:
haha im no better. i got this small case from ngee ann poly open house. put paper clips or however u call it. lol more jialat lor :(

my friend use the super old fisherman container. for the sweets one.. wah that one old sch. but look classy man lol
i use my PS2 memory card plastic holder...haha...pretty gd to use..can store about 10 picks liddat
woah power. lol. i feel like using my "deck holder" to store. lol can store more than 100 picks for sure =S
wallet, pedal case, front pouch of guitar bag.

this way i'll have my pick anytime i want, irregardless of the number of equipment(s) i bring along :)
lol no. HAHAHA but i intending to buy from any guitar shops those really big case.. like got 5 slots. then can put different picks. woohoahoahoahoah
i keep mine in a small nokia box.. able to house all the picks n finer picks that i hv.. but i seldom use it anyway..
I leave my picks on the amp, or on my study table. Have got this box to dump all the old picks.
put into this little round tupperware container, diameter is about 4-5cm i think...dunno can store how many, i think i got 100+ picks, but all cant fit inside, cos the cover cant close, so got to put quite a bit into wallet.. :?

used to entertain the idea of getting a coin album to put all the picks, but found that coin albums are a bit too expensive for my liking, and i almost don't buy picks anymore.
I'm using it as a pendant. So it stays with me anywhere I go and ready to use anytime. Oh.. I only have one pick anyway.
I have a D'addario limited edition tin that I got 4 packs of strings in, so i keep em in there..as well as in my wallet, on the guitar in a little holder behind the head....and they are lying all over my room : :D
i put my picks in a plastic cup that i got free somewhere...then i add some water and put it in the freezer 2 keep it safe aand secure.. :lol: