Piano Instructor Wanted


New member
Hi guys,

I am looking for a piano instructor.

A little background about myself:
I hold a Grade 7 (ABRSM) in piano and a Grade 5 (ABRSM) in music theory. I had stopped playing the piano for many years -- 12 years to be exact. I also play the violin :)

The reason why I'm looking for a instructor is because I want to continue and finish up my final grade. At the same time, I also hope to move into Jazz and Blues, as well as improvisation and performance. It might seem silly, but I think there's still much to learn. After all, I'm pretty sure I have a lot of bad habits picked up along the way and also from the lack of practice, and I can definitely do with some guidance and challenge ;)

I stay in the West and hold a full time job as an educator -- which means I can only take lessons on weekends or on weekday evenings after 7, depending on location.

Do drop me a line: jessamyn.tay@gmail.com or 85330087 (text only, because I'm teaching the whole day).


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