Peavey buying Gibson?

if peavey buys gibson, our local retailer for gibson products will still be the same. what's interesting is what another poster said there about vox buying out fender, if that happens, our local retailer for fmic products will change ;)
that's some big news.. haha but even lets say you get cheaper gibsons some how dont you think you'll be paying for what you get?
If Gibsons become cheaper, but retain the same quality and all that, then it means they'll be more worth the price. :) Gibsons are great guitars. But not worth the current pricing Gibson gives them in my opinion. Lower the price and they'll be perfect. I haven't really met a bad Gibson yet, fortunately.
I read through the posts on TGP. They said price probably go down, quality up, as Peaveys are known for quality. So it's a win-win?
The greatest problem is Peavey must purchase all its sub-brands, like Epiphone, Maestro (not our home grown company), Baldwin Pianos, Valley Arts, etc.

@van_halen: I'm not so concerned about the retailer. I'm more concerned about the quality and price, which i hope to see go up and down respectively. :D
But spot on observation about change of retailers for Fender. However, i don't think it's gonna happen.
It's like Fender buying GM. <----Quote from TGP.
Until the deal goes through (if it ever happens), that thread is just speculation and rumours. And if you read the last page, this 'news' has been around for more than ten years, yet nothing has happened.

Also, Vox won't buy out Fender, Korg will be the one doing the buying.