pbass vs olp mm


New member
Help me choose! I'd put a poll but I know people would just vote Fender because of the name, so I'm making you all write your reasons :) I was intending to buy a Fender '57 Pbass from Ishibashi after getting my next cheque, but I was at Davis today and saw an OLP fiver for $550--which I can get right now.

I've already got a Fender Marcus Miller Jazz bass and this Samick p/j copy which is with a friend, so I'm just looking for something different. Chances are that I'm going to end up buying another bass after this anyway (and it'll probably either a MM or Lakland if I get the $) so I'm looking for something to satisfy my urges ;) There's no real "what do you want to use it for" reason; I just want something different from my jazz.

But I was feeling the necks on the OLPs and checking the neckplate on the Fender Jazz (to check where it was made) at Davis when this dude in a Marshall tshirt came up to me and told me not to touch the basses though. Kinda ridiculous (it's just an OLP!), and a big turn-off because I probably wasn't considered as a serious buyer by them.

So, suggestions on what to do please!
because its a P-bass.

think in logical terms. absolute resale value and potential is higher with the P-bass.
Yeah but I'm kinda thinking in terms of sound... it's a weird trade-off; if I buy the pbass it'll take shorter for me to save for the OLP, but if I buy the OLP it'll take me longer to save up for the pbass. Argh :(
superkicky said:
Yeah but I'm kinda thinking in terms of sound... it's a weird trade-off; if I buy the pbass it'll take shorter for me to save for the OLP, but if I buy the OLP it'll take me longer to save up for the pbass. Argh :(

but remember. with the P-bass you still ARENT getting the authentic P-bass sound.

the 57" reissue is a basswood body if i m not mistaken
erm...sorry for OT,but what do they actually mean by saying 'select hardwoods' ...what kind of wood is that?
Z3r0_G said:
exin says the MM's electronics are degrading. sounds like shit? i dunu..

YES THEY DOOOOOOOOO!!! .. i tried them at sinamex not to long ago .. and seriously they sound horrible .. unlike any stingray tone i've heard. The guy i bought my warmoth from owns a few musicmans .. and he told me that when you get the newer ones ... alot of times you have to pull the pickups out and change them to Seymours and change the preamp also and then they'll sound like real MMs.

Unless you are a real lucky dude that gets a nice sounding one lah .. okay . to answer superkicky's question .. :

I'll get the OLP .. get a proper setup .. pull out the pickups and change them to Seymour Duncans and pull out the preamp and change to SD also .. pull out the tuners and change them to Hipshot .. pull out the bridge and change them to a PROPER MUSICMAN BRIDGE and change the nut to a TUSQ nut or graphite nut and walah .. you get a close to original MM copy that sounds like it ..

i don't care really much for brands .. just so long as it sounds nice i'm more than happy. I chose MM because superkicky has a Marcus Miller Jazz .. and that covers for the P-bass tone and stuff .. i think to expand his palatte of tone i'd get the OLP and modify it .. that's my reason ... i hope that ARGUEMENT is enough to persuade superkicky to get the OLP .. hee hee hee .. PComD .. =P
exin said:
I'll get the OLP .. get a proper setup .. pull out the pickups and change them to Seymour Duncans and pull out the preamp and change to SD also .. pull out the tuners and change them to Hipshot .. pull out the bridge and change them to a PROPER MUSICMAN BRIDGE and change the nut to a TUSQ nut or graphite nut and walah .. you get a close to original MM copy that sounds like it ..

Sounds like a lot of $ to go.
thor666 said:
exin said:
I'll get the OLP .. get a proper setup .. pull out the pickups and change them to Seymour Duncans and pull out the preamp and change to SD also .. pull out the tuners and change them to Hipshot .. pull out the bridge and change them to a PROPER MUSICMAN BRIDGE and change the nut to a TUSQ nut or graphite nut and walah .. you get a close to original MM copy that sounds like it ..

Sounds like a lot of $ to go.

as long as i'm happy with the sound i'm cool .. WOOT WOOT!! .. hee hee hee
Haha... my Miller Jazz doesn't really sound like a Jazz anymore. I don't know what it sounds like... not that it's necessarily a bad thing, though.

I'll definitely change out the preamp first before the pickup; it's like changing from a normal passive to a J-Retro, so yeah. The tuners on the one I tried at Luther seem to be holding up fine la... as for the bridge, I've got no idea where to get aftermarket MM parts :( Would make a very nice project bass though... wire the pickups in series, drop in an SD preamp... routing the battery compartment would be a bitch though :/

Has anybody actually succeeded in trying out the guitars at Davis? I've never seen anyone try them except people over 35.
me...i've tried their musicman sub bass =) and fell in love with the sound...

erm exin....which brand sell musicman replacement bridge? so far i didnt found any -_- help me help...

AFAIK no stock musicman aftermarket hardware is available. closest thing are the hipshot d-tuners and the pups.

stock preamps and bridges are hard to find but you may be able to spot an occasional one on ebay.

and musicman bridges changes from time to time, so there may be some misalignments

link here http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/TOWN8019/