Passive pup bass recommendation


New member
Hey guys! So like as per my title, can anyone rec me some good passive basses? I've been using a yammy bb615 and an ibanez sr700, both of which are active. The sound I'm looking for would be those growly type, gonna mainly use it for hard rock stuff. Budget-wise preferably under 2k. I was kinda looking at an Edwards E-AK-125, but hit me with all the suggestions! :cool:
Let's just say I'm tired of changing batteries every now and then.. Haha! I just surfed around, and Fender's American Deluxe seems to be good. It's got both active and passive mode, but it's a lil over my budget at this point..
my battery in bb615 lasted very long! and i play in church 4x monthly, each about 2hrs. i cant remember when i last changed the batt. do you use a battery tester to check batt condition before throwing it away?
I agree that the battery lasts quite some time for the 615, but for my SR700, I've to change it prolly once every 3 weeks or so. But ever since I changed to Energizer rechargeables, I swap every 2 weeks. On average, I play around 16 hrs per week. My 615 hardly gets any play time since I got the Ibanez, so I'm selling it to fund for my next bass haha!