must also keep in mind that on board preamp or out board pre-amp are nothing more than an EQ on steriods. and not all pre-amps are the same as they produce different frequencies. I currently have an emg on-board pre-amp on my bass wired to 18v, but I still opt to buy MXR bass DI plus. now I my on-board pre-amp is just set to flat as I kind of like the frequencies of my out-board pre-amp better. just something to think about

imo if your bass has sentimental value, then just go with an outboard pre-amp (MXR bass di, Sansamp bass di, BDI 21, Hartke bass attack, Aguilar Tone hammer, sadowski out board preamp, EBS micro bass preamp) to name a few ones you can get here in singapore. most of the time outboard preamp sounds a lot better then on board