pandora effects for bass (px4b)

no response,... :(

no other gadget/effects with the funtionality of the korg pandora?
only korg has it?

no boss/zoom/any other brand equal to it or can function like it?
it's my silent practice secret weapon 8) bought it @ city music while it was on sale last year, can't quite remember how much...


if you are more dedicated to bass, i suggest you get the bass version instead.
is it locally available? the pandora only for bass?

how's the performance of the Pandora ? is it worth the $$

the last time i checked, the Pandora for bass is available 8)

i'm not a multi-FX/ compact practice unit enthusiast, i prefer a simple set up: instrument + amp. however, the Pandora was acquired out of consideration, i have a baby @ home, there is a need for silence at specific moments. the many compact units i've tried do not sound impressive through headphones but the current generation of Pandora units prove otherwise. as you can see above, i still supplement it with an Ibanez Tubescreamer because the default gain on offer is adequate but i would like more drive in the mix, especially when there is a noise reduction unit in use.