Palm muting?

heh.. my fav technique.. and the only i know :x

er... put the side or edge of ur palm on the bridge.. go try lah.. u will noe.. muting at different places give u diff sound..
the side of ur palm should be as near to the tailpiece (bridge) and should not move..
the only moving action comes from thw wrist..
it shpuld give a very 'heavy muted' sound VERY VERY different than ur normal strumming..
some ppl prefer to open up the whole hand while palm muting (like me. im used to that way)
but i'd suggest practice with ur hand not fully opened..
it helps when the volume knob is very near the first string like strats..
i donnoe maybe my hands are big.. 8O
but wat the hell.. :wink:
im halfway thru my sleep and typing this..
hope it helps
but like ppl in this forum have said...
Practice.... Practice and Practice.....
cheers :D
Nishant, you playing a strat-type guitar or les paul type? it is easier with the strats cos the bridge saddles are flat and easy to rest your palm on. abit harder with les paul bridge.

when you just starting out, try muting the E-A-D strings first cos it's easier to get that percussive sound. Then try muting all the strings together. Then try plucking out a riff while muting the strings. have fun!