Palm mute while standing


New member
Fellow softies!
I found out i have problem palm muting while standing up and play the gtr.Is tweaking the gtr high up my body is the only way?I prefer playing guitar lower.
Any suggestion or solutions to this problem?
Helps will be greatly appreciated:)
Thanks Guys!
Rock On!:twisted:
Try to adjust ur strap see u can play high or low....

Usually i use to play the guitar highly just above my abdomen so for easy palm mute...

then slowly i play the guitar waste down...

Try to do that

adjust the strap n pay guitar on ur chest should b fine
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i like to strap down my guitar as well, but not to the point where i can't palm mute. ridiculous right?

the correct way of playing the guitar properly and being comfortable always comes before glamour.

strap your guitar around your tummy area. you may strap higher if neccesary. then time after time, try to strap your guitar lower BIT by bit. not all at once ah lol! but do always make sure that your picking hand can mute the strings you wanna mute.

yeah lah, its cool to be james hetfield (he straps damn freaking low) once every while, but we don't have long arms like him. rather be out of style than out of precision.

cheers ;)
i always have mine just below the waist, judging from the replies above thats kinda low (:

what i do is keep my guitar more towards my side rather then right smack in front of me. Makes it easier (at least for me) to palm-muting even while moving like crazy.

and if that doesnt work, try leaning back slightly with one leg forward with the guitar resting on it. Classic rocker pose and may help with your problem and keep you looking fine (: